What People are Saying About Spirit Touch:

"The day after having a session of Spirit Touch where we worked on my heart chakra, I had the opportunity to mend my relationship with my Dad, who I wasn't speaking to for 3 years. My relationship with my brother improved by the following week, and I also met the girl who I believe is my soul mate. I could see how Spirit Touch was so powerful!" ~ J. E.

"Working with the Spirit Touch techniques very quickly amped up my ability to receive in my finances and relationships. I reprogrammed myself to receive an increase in income from a business that I loved doing, & promoted at expos. Then I had my best show ever in San Diego! Although I didn't know anyone there, I still attracted non-stop clients that received full sessions with positive results. Spirit Touch is an elegant and simple system that creates profound and consistent results. In under a year of working with Dean and Spirit Touch, my life has been transformed. " ~ S.L.

"I experienced a true healing in an atmosphere of security, trust, and relaxation. In the 3 months since my session, I have experienced great change in my life, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Many past false beliefs have vanished. I have new attitudes of freedom, I deserve, and I can do it! I had little to do with these changes except openly participate in the session, recognize the healing and go with it. Thank You, Dean" ~ R. I.

"I came here feeling extremely depressed. After Spirit Touch, I felt much better. I haven't felt this happy in months!" ~ Teresa

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